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London Six Phases of the Web Design and Development Process for WebsitesLondon Six Phases of the Web Design and Development Process for Websites


There are numerous processes involved in the design and development of a website.

From obtaining basic information to developing your website, a great deal occurs prior to the debut. Although the precise procedure changes for between projects, the fundamentals stay constant.

Phase One: Discovery / Information Gathering

Information gathering is the initial step in creating a successful website.

When developing the look and feel of your website, numerous factors must be taken into account; thus, you are first asked a number of questions to gain a thorough understanding of your business and website requirements. Certain considerations include:

What is the site’s function? Want to share information, advertise a service, sell a product, etc.?

What do you expect to achieve by creating this website? Common objectives include making money and sharing information.

Target Audience
Exists a particular set of individuals that will aid you in achieving your objectives? It is beneficial to visualize your ideal client. Consider your audience’s age, gender, and hobbies; this can help you select the optimal design style for your website.

What types of information would your target audience seek on your website? Are they seeking particular information, a specific product or service, etc.?

Second Phase: Planning

Using the information acquired in the first phase, we first developed a plan.

Here, we create a sitemap, which is a list of your website’s primary and secondary themes. This is vital for building a consistent, easy-to-understand navigational system, as it provides us with a map of the site’s content.

This is also where we choose which technologies to employ, like as contact forms, custom post kinds, and particular plugins.

Third Phase: Design

We determine the appearance and feel of the website based on the information collected up to this point.

The intended audience is one of the primary considerations here. A site designed for young adults, for instance, will have a very different appearance than one designed for a financial institution. In addition, branding features such as your company’s logo and colors are incorporated into the design to assist reinforce your company’s online identity.

Fourth Phase: Development

Here, the actual functionality of the website is constructed.

We employ the various graphic elements from the preliminary design to construct the website’s functionality. In particular, they are utilized to construct the functioning WordPress theme, which determines the appearance of your website. This covers both the desktop and mobile responsive views, ensuring that your website is available to the widest potential audience.

Once the WordPress theme has been designed, we distribute your material to the relevant places of the website.

Phase Five: Testing and Distribution

At this moment, we test your website and attend to the final aspects.

We test such things as the full functionality of forms and other features. We test for last-minute compatibility issues, such as variances in web browser or mobile device viewing.

As soon as we obtain your final approval, we will send the website. The files are transferred to your server. This often entails installing and configuring WordPress and a core set of key plugins to enhance the site. Here, we test the site once more to check that everything has been properly configured and that the site remains completely functional.

This officially marks the opening of your website, as it is now accessible to the general public.

Sixth Phase: Maintenance

Once your website goes live, the task is not complete.
Offering regularly updated material is one method for attracting recurring visitors to a website. And as new versions of WordPress and any plugins installed become available, these should also be upgraded.

Markustudio is a freelance web designer in Manchester that offers services in web design, logo branding, print, SEO, and digital design. We are passionate about supporting successful small companies and major brands around the United Kingdom. If you need assistance producing a style guide or maintaining brand consistency, our team of specialists is available to assist you. We will collaborate with you to develop a distinctive and memorable brand that will set you apart from the competition. Contact us immediately to begin!


Your website’s trustworthiness is greatly influenced by how it seems; yes, a bad user experience could cost you potential clients. Your website’s functionality and usability are very vital, but you can’t let design take a backseat. The background of your company’s brand should be created using a cohesive combination of background colors, spacing, and other visual components. Consider them as we enter a new year. London web design advice for 2022 help improve the look and feel of your website.


Technological trends are ever-evolving (which is why our website design services in Manchester stay so busy). You only need to look at recent years to notice how design components and website functionality have changed. The text-heavy, feature-rich websites from the 2000s and 2010s contrast with the minimalist design of today.

1. Reducing “Friction”

You’ll want to avoid including too many visual components that compete for attention because simple, clean design is currently king. A crowded web page has complicated animations and too much copy, texture, color, and font. A truly minimalist website removes anything that can detract from the topic of your website. Instead than adding extra features, you can improve your design by identifying an essential emphasis and highlighting it.


Users still adore videos, and they always will. However, too many films can severely slow down your website, which is one of the reasons GIFs and other types of micro-interactions are well-liked. They may not be able to tell your brand’s story or provide detailed instructions on how to use your product or service (keep those concepts for video), but they may be a very powerful tool for getting website visitors to take action.


It’s not necessary for a minimalist design to be uninteresting. Without depending on flashy, oversaturated elements, a striking color palette can help your website stand out. Even one contrast shade added to a monochrome design will draw the eye. White space doesn’t always have to be white!


Using this technique, you may add levels, depths, and a level of visual hierarchy to your design by making the backdrop move more slowly than the foreground information. Additionally, it can aid in highlighting forms and calls to action.


You should make a good design that will last you for a few years because it is not practical nor cost-effective to keep inventing the wheel. While the aforementioned trends are popular right now, the following will continue to be appealing to website visitors for a long time.

  • Include elements for accessibility and availability, such as keyboard navigation, closed captioning for video material, and alternative text for photos.
  • Create a thumb-friendly responsive web design.
  • Use an H1 header structure at the top of the pages.
  • Create CTAs with clickable links to case studies, form submissions, and more, as well as to article downloads.
  • Make a module for promoting testimonials, or even a new web page.
  • Normally, original images will win out over stock photos, but when you can’t help but use the latter, it’s crucial to know what kind of imagery to seek out. Finding images that represent real-life situations rather than corny, high-fiving, all-hands-in photos is the most crucial factor to take into account.

Contact Markustudio for additional information on the most recent trends and assistance with incorporating these changes onto your own website. Web design, logo branding, print, SEO, and digital design services are offered by a freelance web designer in Manchester.

This 2022, Here Are 10 Essential Web Design Tips for Your WebsiteThis 2022, Here Are 10 Essential Web Design Tips for Your Website

What do you see when you visit your website? Is your website’s content and design up to date, compelling, and appealing? Is your website fit for the future?  

This post will cover ten vital web design tips that will help you transform your outdated and uninteresting website into something new and improved in 2022!  

Why Do You Need to Make Changes to Your Website?

Your company’s first line of defense is a fantastic website. As a result, it’s critical that you not only pay attention to what goes into your content, but also to the overall look and feel of your website.

However, site design is more than just a matter of appearances. It all comes down to meticulous planning and conceptualization of the notion you’ll use on your website. Fonts, colors, and visuals are all part of this. Designing a website also entails striking a balance. You don’t want to visit a website that is overburdened with elements, contains obsolete content, or has broken links and pages.  

Here are some simple design suggestions to help you improve your website.

1. Emphasize readability

Will your intended audience be able to comprehend your message? Is your content well-organized, or is it cluttered? You should think about whether or not your audience will be able to understand what they’re reading. To accomplish this, stay away from utilizing large blocks of text. Make use of lists and bullets to improve readability.  

2. Make use of high-resolution images

Visual learners account for 65 percent of persons, according to the Social Science Research Network. In addition, 90% of the information we absorb is delivered to our brain via pictures. As a result, instead of relying solely on text, it is critical for your website to have high-quality photos to effectively convey your message.  

Visuals can also help you connect with your audience by explaining your written material in a more detailed way. Furthermore, high-quality photos convey trustworthiness and professionalism.

3. Try to keep things as simple as possible.

Remember that the primary purpose of your website is to get your main message out to your target audience. It should be straightforward and quick to navigate so that your visitors can better process your material and locate what they’re looking for.  

4. Make Use of Keywords and Phrases in the Headline

Use clear and concise headlines to avoid confusing your audience. Use keywords or phrases to catch your visitor’s attention and be as plain and clear as possible.

5. Be Aware of 404 Errors

When your target audience visits your website, make sure they don’t get 404 errors. The 404 error indicates that your page was not found. One of the most common reasons for this is that the website has been moved or destroyed, or the URL is incorrect.

6. Don’t Forget Your CTA

In any business, especially on your website, a call-to-action, or CTA, is critical. You’ll want to know exactly what your site visitors will do next. But be careful not to overdo it. CTAs should not be placed at the top of your page. Because not everyone who visits your website is ready to take the next step, the CTA should always be placed at the bottom of the page.

7. The design should be user-friendly on mobile devices.

The majority of individuals use their mobile phones to access the internet. As a result, your web design should be mobile-friendly so that your audience can access it easily. Mobile-friendly websites are also rewarded by Google.

8. Colors are quite important.

Your website’s color scheme should be consistent with your brand colors. It shouldn’t be overly loud or dominating so that your visitors aren’t confused or distracted.

9. Take into account the ease of navigation

Most users will not spend extra time on a website that appears to be difficult to use and navigate. You want your site to be user-friendly so that people remain longer on it and possibly convert.

10. Be Wary of Where You Put Your Social Links 

It’s a good idea to incorporate your social media connections in your website so that visitors can connect with you outside of it. Don’t put them at the top of your page because they will distract your visitors and lead them away from your website.


The design tips listed above are only a few of the numerous things you may use to improve and design your website. It will all be determined by the design update’s objectives.  

Markustudio is a Manchester-based professional graphic and web design studio that specializes in site design, logo branding, print, and digital design. We love working with successful small businesses and major brands all around the UK as a web design firm. Contact us right now to find out how we can help you improve your website!