Day: January 12, 2024

Do hospitals have good security?Do hospitals have good security?

Absolutely, it is of the utmost importance that all healthcare facilities have the appropriate security in place.

The doctors, nurses, and administrative staff that keep these facilities running smoothly and capable of doing the incredible work that they do are responsible for caring for many vulnerable people and handle extremely sensitive documents on a day to day basis.

In fact, it would be no exaggeration to go as far as saying that hospitals, mental health centres, and other medical facilities are some of the most important places for a security company Birmingham to look after.

security company

Why is security so important in the healthcare industry?

No matter if you are looking to protect a huge hospital or the smallest medical clinic, security must still be considered.

Of course, in these much smaller places, the threats may not be as significant, most the risk is still there and it isn’t something you won’t to be overlooking given the potential privacy and safety implications of a security breach.

The issue is that hospitals in particular are a constant buzz of activity with patients coming in and out at a rapid rate and it can be difficult to keep tabs on who is where at any one time.

Here are some of the top reasons that security in a healthcare setting is so important:

Protecting patients

The number one priority of any healthcare centre. Many people who attend hospital are not in the strongest position in terms of their mental health and could pose a threat to themselves or others if they are suffering with schizophrenia, depression, or any number of other mental health conditions.

There may also be an external threat to patients if an intruder attempts to break into the facility and harm them. This has been known to happen when patients attend hospital with injuries such as stab wounds obtained in street violence.

Protecting technology

The healthcare industry requires a huge amount of specialist and extremely expensive equipment and technology for diagnosing and treating conditions.

It is a horrible thought, but this equipment could be the victim of theft and with so many expensive assets located in one area, having the appropriate security measures in place to protect them is an absolute must.

Protecting Data

Sensitive patient data is stored on paper and on electronic devices in healthcare facilities and data protection should be at the forefront of any security strategy used.

How to keep a hospital secure

Arrange for a professional security company to carry out a risk assessment of your property. Once that has been completed, you will have identified the major threats that you face and it is time to implement the security measures that will protect you against said risks.

Just some of the security measures that any larger healthcare facilities, including all hospitals, should have in place includes and extensive CCTV system covering all public areas of the facility, highly trained security officers who will protect the entrance to the facility, and biometric access controls that restrict key area access to authorised individuals only.